Essence, Soft Dramatic, Style

Taylor LaShae: Kibbe, Essence, and Hair Exploration

Enjoy the video above to see my full exploration of Taylor LaShae’s body type, essence, and the effects of her amazing hairstyles.

I am a huge Taylor LaShae fan. I find her so beautiful, stylish, and charming- she’s equally adorable and mysterious and her presence seems very authentic and effortless. I really love her image and personal branding, so I wanted to go into some of the nuances of her body type and essence to understand WHY her image is so potent.

Taylor dresses for both her body type and essence. I believe she best resonates with the Soft Dramatic Kibbe ID due to her elongated, narrow, and acutely angular frame and soft, curvy flesh (Yang with Yin or Dramatic with a Romantic undercurrent). I find her face, especially when she wears her hair in her iconic french bob, to align really strongly with the Gamine essence; her youthful, direct, and mischievous beauty meshes so well with the playfully Yang style.

When she wears Soft Dramatic friendly lines and spices it up with Gamine theatricality and playfulness, her iconic image inevitably blossoms. This blossoming is so rich that one photo of her can give so much story and create such a detailed scene with a corresponding aesthetic. She harnesses her beauty to create an image/brand that effortlessly weaves a promising story full of the irresistible. We see her in our mind’s eye picking petals off of flowers by the Seine, sipping champagne mid-afternoon nose deep in a foreign novel, fixing her lipstick in a gilded vintage compact moments before her mysterious date shows up with an extra motorcycle helmet.

Basically, Taylor has created an image that pulls on our subconscious associations and idealizations and sets into motion these potent and beautiful storylines.

Beauty is never just skin deep.




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