• Styling Specifics: Dressing in Thirds vs Dressing in Halves
    Welcome to my new series! Let’s delve into some of the styling specifics that I often bring up in my videos and posts. Today we’ll tackle a very common piece of advice that works exceptionally well for petites or anyone who needs to define their waist. The concept centers around dressing in thirds vs halves. …
  • There Are No Such Thing as Kibbe “Lines”
    There are no “lines” for a certain Kibbe type. Kibbe lines don’t exist. There are only YOUR lines. Remember, the Kibbe system has a certain end goal- to accommodate YOUR silhouette. It differs greatly from other styling systems like the “fruit” system that seeks to impose an hourglass silhouette on everybody. The Kibbe system is …
  • Why Knowing Your Kibbe Type/ Kibbe ID Is Not Enough Pt. 2: Personal Elements of Style
    In Part 1, I covered the more practical elements of style that need to be honed in and specified in order to choose the best garments you can access to create outfits that look AND feel great. Curating an eye for style requires extra attention to technical details. Still, even if you have access to …
  • Why Knowing Your Kibbe Type/ Kibbe ID Is Not Enough Pt. 1: Practical Elements of Style
    Perhaps you’ve experienced this frustration. You’ve settled on a Kibbe Identity or Kibbe Type, you’ve compiled lists of suggestions and outfit ideas, and you’ve shopped for items that should work with your lines but still…you feel even more lost. Your outfits should work in theory, but when you look in the mirror or play back …
  • Aligned Style Philosophy
    Style is a way of communicating in which certain forms are utilized as tools of meaning, clarity, and symbolism. Every piece of clothing you own communicates a certain message. By wearing that garment and combining it with other pieces, you morph, alter, and expound upon that original message. Ultimately, your entire look (hair, makeup, jewelry, …