Virtual Guide: Navigating the World of Seasonal Color
A virtual guide to understanding the color theory behind all seasonal color system and personal color systems including 4, 12, and 16 or tonal color systems. Munsell color theory (hue, chroma, value) and hair and skin color qualities are discussed.
I wrote a guide on the color theory behind seasonal color and other personal color systems so that you can navigate them all. I discuss the Munsell color system (hue, value, and chroma) with numerous visual examples of each aspect at play in the real world. I explain personal color qualities like warmth/coolness, contrast, mutedness, and brightness with a spectrum of examples and comparisons of skin and hair shades to give helpful context. I never isolate color qualities into simple pixels of shades. I honor the sliding scale that is color perception.
I guide you through the progression of the seasons, from the original 4 Seasonal Colors to 12 Seasons to 16 Seasons or the Tonal seasons (toned, tinted, pure, and shaded). A section of color quizzes is provided at the end.
50 pages replete with visual examples.