Seasonal Color

Light Spring vs Light Summer: Comparing Sister Seasons

When looking at two potential sub-seasons, it often helps to look at sister seasons and palettes. Looking at the adjacent seasons and deciding which one is more flattering can give you insight into your strongest color qualities.

Here we’ll look at Light Spring and Light Summer individuals and their overall color needs.

To set a reference point that goes beyond isolated swatches, think of the feel of each season. Light Spring is like a delicate golden sunrise, the sun streaming in just moments after dawn. Think champagne in candlelight, a freshly bitten apricot, and honey with lightly roasted pears.

Light Summer is like the moonlit moment just before dawn. Think slightly cloudy sake being poured into a frosty glass, subtly dyed washi paper, and cool lemonade.

Light Spring Scarlett looks more radiant and defined with the warmer colors that connect to the apricot, peach, and coral shades throughout her face. Summer looks too dull and flat on her. Oppositely, Light Summer Michelle looks ethereal in Summer’s muted and powdery shades, whereas Spring’s warmth weighs her down.

Equally ethereal beauties Gemma and Emma require different approaches. Gemma comes to life in golden and coral tones, with the warm green bringing out the vibrancy of her strawberry blonde hair. The cool Summer tones look too ashy. Oppositely, Emma is truly elevated with Summer’s muted and silvery emphasis. Spring’s warmth bursts her cloud-like bubble.

Light Spring Woody Harrelson looks healthy and radiant in Spring’s warm tones, but Summer drains all of the life from his face. Oppositely, Light Summer Alexander Skarsgard looks smooth and refined in Summer’s gray based shades. Spring warmth looks extremely separate and unintegrated on him.

If you need help creating a customized palette made only for you, please check out my color service.