Kibbe Body Type: SOFT NATURAL: Julianne Hough
Hello lovelies! Today we look at Julianne Hough, a soft natural who really exudes that fresh, approachable, and free-spirited sensuality that makes this type so appealing! Soft Naturals are Soft Yang in structure/skeleton and Yin in flesh. Let’s take a closer look.

A Soft Natural has an angular bone structure with soft flesh, and this is apparent in their faces. Julianne has a blunt jaw and chin, blunt but soft nose, eyes that lay on a straight axis a little closer together than not. She has softness in her cheekbones, lips, and facial flesh that really diffuses the angularity in her facial bones. This gives her a very vibrant, dynamic, and fresh look. Softly broad and angular structure overlaid with fleshiness without much narrowness or sharpness- a face that evokes strength and flow.

Her body is no different. Softer flesh and a slight hourglass sit on a softly broad and angular skeleton. Her shoulders are broad, strong, but still soft- no sharp edges. Her build is athletic with curves and packed onto a frame with a moderate vertical line- she doesn’t look any taller or shorter than she is. Her limbs are of moderate length and are blessed with a good amount of musculature. Her muscle tone isn’t that of a narrow, sinewy Dramatic; instead, her flesh is more of a supple, solid, athletic “meatiness.”

Julianne looks best in dresses that allow for movement and show off her beautiful body. Fabrics and cuts that encourage and emphasize her dynamism and soft curves suit her best and really bring out her vibrance.

As for casual wear, she is one of the lucky ones who look amazing in the most relaxed of lounge wear. She looks polished and at ease in outfits that boast a good mix of form fitted tapering and loose, flowing fabric.

A Soft Natural is a tactile type- and the fabrics that fit them best are ones that offer a good amount of texture. Knits, suedes, velvets, softened or distressed washes, and any other print/textile that begs for a touch. The Soft Natural is an earthy beauty- her essence is well grounded in her physicality.
Remember, to bring out your best lines as an SN, think of relaxed ways to hug your curves. These curves include the soft tapers of the body and the face. Sensual and relaxed movement and flow will outline your unique radiance.