Intro the the McJimsey Types (Style Essences): Exploring the Classic Essence
Today, we’ll be delving into the Classic Essence, an intermediary type in the McJimsey system that combines elements of both Yin and Yang. Let’s dive in! See the end of the post for the full video.

The McJimsey Philosophy: Before we delve into the Classic examples, let’s briefly go over the McJimsey philosophy. Harriet McJimsey used the Yin-Yang spectrum not only to assess physical attributes but also expressive qualities such as mannerisms, voice, expression, and overall persona. According to McJimsey, these factors were crucial in creating the most personal and authentic expression through clothing and costuming.
The Classic Style Essence

The Classic Essence is a type that sits between the extremes of Yin and Yang on the spectrum, but it leans more towards Yang. It embodies the qualities of dignity, structure, strength, and simplicity associated with Yang, while also incorporating the softness, gentleness, and delicacy of Yin. This blend of attributes gives the Classic Essence a subtle yet powerful beauty.
Physical Characteristics

In terms of physical characteristics, the Classic Essence is moderate and understated. They have an average height and a well-proportioned body. Their posture is poised, erect, and graceful. The shape of their head tends to be slightly long or oval, with proportionate and clear eyes that have a direct gaze. Their brows have a pleasing subtle arch, and their nose is usually regular with a slightly long and rounded or tilted tip. The mouth is well-formed and balanced, and the hair is best kept controlled, groomed, and simple. Overall, the Classic Essence exudes a composed, graceful, dignified, and elegant expression.
Costuming Details

When it comes to costuming, the Classic Essence looks best in tailored, smart, and simple silhouettes. Their lines are straight with restrained curves, softened by soft, pliable, medium to lightweight fabrics. Details for the Classic Essence are either scaled down versions of bold elements or simplified, streamlined, and structured Yin details. Details should be closely spaced, and solid colors or subtle patterns are preferred. Textures and fabrics that work well for the Classic Essence include soft and fine materials.
Specific Garments and Accessories

For the Classic Essence, necklines such as softly tailored necklines, small convertible collars, curved shawls, dainty mandarins or stand-up collars, and delicate bows or ties can soften harsh necklines. Formal wear may feature flat structural details with stitch-down structure. Simple flannel cardigan suits are mentioned as a good option. When it comes to shoes, simple pumps and trim oxfords are recommended, while accessories like pearls, modest jewelry, smart plain bags, kid or cloth gloves, and understated trim sailor hats, pillbox hats, and cloche hats complete the Classic look. Flowers associated with the Classic Essence include white roses, gardenias, small carnations, and violets.
The Classic Style Essence Summarized
The Classic Essence represents a subtle yet powerful kind of beauty. It doesn’t seek attention but magnetizes awe and reverence due to its self-containment and sophistication. If you resonate with the Classic Essence, whether physically or non-physically, consider incorporating some of its elements into your wardrobe and personal expression. Stay tuned for future videos where we’ll explore more modern and accessible examples.