Herbal Recipes

Blue Lotus Moon Milk

A moon milk is a creamy, warm tonic enjoyed before bedtime to promote deep, restful sleep and a rich dream landscape (hence the lunar emphasis in the name). The quality of our sleep depends on countless factors, and the effects of a good night of slumber bless our waking life with countless benefits. Needless to say, there are countless ways to promote a better nighttime experience. This blue lotus moon milk happens to be one of my favorite ways of welcoming in a blissful dose of shut-eye.

Blue lotus supplies the majority of that soft lunar glow, with its sedating properties and support of the pineal gland’s enhanced function, which is a must for sweet, deep sleep. Rich with polyphenols and flavanols that reduce blood pressure and increase healthy blood flow to the brain, cacao also lends it richness and deep flavor which complements the mood-enhancing and stress relieving rose.

The addition of mucuna powder offers a blast of l-dopa, a precursor to the “feel good” molecule dopamine, which also enhances mood and sleep. Paired with the nervine function of nutmeg and cardamom that add spicy sweetness along and a touch of cacao butter (or coconut) for an extra creamy foam, this moon milk makes quite the dreamy concoction.

Blue Lotus Moon Milk

Serves 2

2 tbsp blue lotus

1 tbsp rose

4 oz warm water (a half minute off boiling)

1 tsp mucuna powder

3 tbsp cacao powder

3 cacao butter wafers (1 tsp coconut butter, oil, or ghee also works)

12 oz warm milk of choice

1/8 tsp nutmeg

1/8 tsp cardamom

pinch of salt

3 tsp coconut sugar or maple syrup to taste

Steep the blue lotus and rose in the warm water for 5-10 minutes, keeping a lid over the pot to prevent the aromatics from escaping. Add in milk, mucune, cacao, cacao butter, spices, and sweetener and slowly heat to a gentle simmer. Strain into a blender and blitz for 10-15 seconds to create a thick foam.

Sprinkle pollen over to the top for an extra bit of sweetness.


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